Children’s minds disturbed

The presence of the troops in the North and East has disturbed the minds of the children very much, according to Save the Children in Sri Lanka (SCiSL) Spokesperson Menaca Calyaneratne. Calyaneratne was addressing a seminar in Sydney on the topic of children affected by war in Sri Lanka. Calyaneratne said the government has justified the military presence in Jaffna with the ongoing mine clearance in the North and East. Whereas the presence of the troops in the North and East has created the impression among the children in those regions that the war was not yet over. Therefore, it is difficult to bring the children out of this mindset with the presence of the troops in the North and East. “The children resettled in these areas must be allowed to live in a secure atmosphere. Proper education and health facilities should be ensured along with fulfilling their basic needs, therefore, the troops should be withdrawn,” Calyaneratne said.

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Butanis visits Mannar Catholic Bishop

Patricia Butenis

The departing American Ambassador, Patricia Butanis, paid a courtesy call to the Mannar Catholic Bishop Rt. Rev. Rayappu Joseph on Wednesday. The US envoy who flew in a special Air Force helicopter to Mannar, met Bishop Rt. Rev. Rayappu Joseph at the Bishop’s House at 10.30 a.m., on Wednesday. It was a luncheon meeting and lasted for nearly five hours according to sources. During the meeting, several issues with regard to the post-war situation in Mannar were discussed between the Bishop and the American envoy, sources said. The Bishop also explained the recent problems that cropped up with regard to certain comments he made on the resettlement issues in Mannar and Vanni, sources said.

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Nik Wallenda completes tightrope walk across Niagara Falls

Tightrope walker Nik Wallenda walks the high wire from the U.S. side to the Canadian side over the Horseshoe Falls in Niagara Falls, Ontario, June 15, 2012.

Reuters reports: Nik Wallenda, a member of the famed “Flying Wallendas” family of aerialists, completed a historic tightrope crossing through the mist over Niagara Falls Gorge on Friday, stepping from a two-inch (5 cm) cable onto safe ground in Canada to wild cheers from onlookers.

Wallenda made the walk from the U.S. side of the falls to the Canadian side, a journey of 1,800 feet (550 meters) over treacherous waters and rocks, in a little more than 25 minutes.

Tightrope walker, Nik Wallenda the first walk across Niagara Falls in over a century, braving winds and heavy spray in his historic feat.
